Music to my Ears

Please save my pounding head!

When we arrived in Jersey just over 18 months ago, my little Relaxy was just over 3 years old.  It was very apparent then, that he was very much into music (I actually think it started in-utero).  To my delight MY kind of music!  While we were still living in temporary accommodation, I decided I had to find SOMETHING for my little guy to do.  His choice….learn the drums! So, the woman (me) who knew nothing of our new home, set out to find him a drumming teacher.  Couldn’t believe my luck when I found one!

We took him to his lessons way back then, when he was shorter, and much more shy.  He could barely reach the foot pedal of the bass drum, and he wouldn’t speak to his teacher. It was decided then that he needed a bit more time, so left it for a while.  We were busy moving in and out and in and out of a few places in the meantime!

Fast forward to October 2011, my little guy turned 4!  For his birthday we decided to get him a drum kit (thank you Amazon) and start him once again, with his drumming lessons.

WOW, what a difference almost a year makes.  Now, Relaxy can reach the foot pedal with ease, and since starting Nursery is much more confident around people.  He had also realised the ‘concept’ of a teacher, they know what you want to know, so it’s best to listen to them.  He drums at any given moment.  In the car on the arm of his car seat, on the kitchen table while waiting for his dinner, the arm of the chair, on the little bench at Nursery while waiting for his mates in the morning….if there’s a beat…he’s rocking it! His taste in music has also changed a little.  He went from wanting to be the drummer in the Foo Fighters, to being the drummer in Metallica!  Tall order!

Since starting him with his lessons again he’s becoming more and more confident.  Sam even wanted him to go into the Eisteddford in November, but Relaxy was unable to attend. In my own mind, I would have never imagined him, on stage in front of many strangers playing his drums, but he was actually really disappointed he couldn’t go. I think I need a little more faith in the little guy. 

I really think that music is a wonderful thing for a child to learn….and obviously it encompasses a very wide range of things.  Singing, musical instruments (classical or the tougher kind!!), It helps their concentration, confidence and is even good for anger management! I’m really glad that with no pushy parenting, Relaxy decided to go down the musical route all on his own. 

So here he is…rocking it at his drumming lesson with Sam.  Another thing for kids to do in Jersey, should they so desire!

If you think your child has it in them to rock it out like Relaxy, please contact me, and I’ll be more than happy to pass on Sam’s details.

Relaxy at Sams in St Ouen

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Post Author: Kat

Katherine has a background in special education, early years childcare, and has a BA and MA in the creative and performing arts. She blogs at Creative Playhouse about her children’s activities and interests, including offering an Ecourse on Connecting Family through Creative Play, she also runs parent communities, is a designer and a work at home mum to Jake (3.5) and Poppy (15 months).

1 thought on “Music to my Ears


    (August 2, 2012 - 12:32 pm)

    What a cool dude!

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